Insights & Tips

Can I let you in on a little secret?...

Can I let you in on a little secret?...

Ok look, we all know about the changes happening over on Facebook.  For most small businesses,  Facebook is a key place to punt their wares.  But things are changing: you'll read countless articles and blog posts on how to stay on top of things, but can I let you in on a little secret?  There's really 1 big thing that you need to do to boost your presence on the ol' grandaddy social networking site. 

Winning on facebook

Winning on facebook

You've probably heard countless people banging on about the changes to facebook's way of doing things (I'm not going to mention the "a" word because it's just so overused now).  but yes, there are changes happening to what you (and your customers) see on their fb newsfeeds.  but i won't go into that now...