VLOG: In Good Company - SHOUT & Co. - The Importance of Planning

In this VLOG Pippa Lynch shares her views on why planning is so important. Pippa also talks about in how brands over time can trade their brand equity for dollars through the value economy in the digital realm within the context of playing the long game with consumers and fans online.

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What's that saying: "Fail to plan and you will plan to fail."

In this episode we are in good company with Pippa Lynch all things planning with particular reference to Social Media Marketing and how a plan can remove or at least mitigate the anxiety around trying to think about what and when to publish a post.

We also cover how the humble, prolific and ubiquitous Excel document can be your best tool to mapping out a plan. Yes, there are some great apps out there that are a notch or two above an Excel document and will don't take away from what they are doing.

Pippa also touches on how not to view Social Media Marketing as the 'Silver Bullet' but rather a process where by brand equity is build with an audience through the execution of a well-thought out plan. And over time how that brand equity can be traded for actual dollars.

An insightful interview and as always, thank you for listening and for letting us be in your good company as well.